01 June 2008


Let's laugh at others

It is easier than laughing at ourselves, by far.
I have seen better faceplants than that.
Metaphorically speaking I have had faceplants where my eyeteeth gouged furrows in the tarmac.
Somebody very wise said "The measure of a man is not how many times he falls, but how many times he gets up", it must have been me as goooogle shows no other.
Google does allow this.
"He will tell you South Africans are lazy. They get up and start drinking beer. .."
That is not true, real men drink Brandy.
Note that I do not contest the writers view that they are lazy.

Very smart for an "Old Toppie" Stu.
keeskennis Homepage 06.02.08 - 6:50 pm #

"The measure of a man is not how many times he falls, but how many times he gets up"Quotation error : the word IT is missing between 'gets' and 'up'
Ole Phat Stu Homepage 06.02.08 - 3:16 pm #

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