27 March 2007

I dont know anything about this piccie. It does not look like an African bush pig to me.
Melissa? Is your blog protected? I get a "Blog not found" when I clicked on the link... On the preview "Snap" thingy it looks interesting.
RobC Homepage 03.28.07 - 11:49 pm #
Yep Mellissa, one can see a "wart" halfway between the tusk and the ear, I think this was a youngish piggie... probably not very au fait with crocs wich led to its's demise. Warthogs are pretty quick of the mark so to nab one was pretty good for the croc.
Yep Mellissa, one can see a "wart" halfway between the tusk and the ear, I think this was a youngish piggie... probably not very au fait with crocs wich led to its's demise. Warthogs are pretty quick of the mark so to nab one was pretty good for the croc.
Well, THAT just loosened my bowels.
I'm 99.9% sure that is half a warthog. Shampies...poor bugger.
KK: That makes it African then, Ta Mel.