24 September 2009


Vast Right Wing Conspiracy

This is just to show that you are still looking at keeskennis but that I do do PSA now and again.

Looka at dis:

From: GR:

Very secret email/correspondence (captured by O'keefe)

GR: "No, the one with Joe the VP, is not OK, he is far to Heh in any case."
Iowahawk: "How about this one with Palin?"


And can ACORN tell us how the sales of the 13 year old tushes are progressing?


Maybe Dead Dog can supply us with some detail and explanation of the tats. (With friends like this ......)

Maybe The Witch can tell us about something we can wear or rub on ourselves to save us from that.

Maybe the Jews have a special prayer or a fast or a special dish that will safeguard us from that

Or maybe we just have to be grownup in this fuckuped world. (ed- spelling for check for a , complete fuck up, in the past tense - please)

Maybe, but I will rather die.

The Editor can come and sing us a song.

Deer Rex
With Fed Ex

Take it slow
Do not grow

To much
As such

It would show
All in the know

That the deer
Have no fear

Of Rex
Or Sex

It's perfectly clear
That any deer
Should stay near
And should not fear
Any of Rex's gear
That is clear
For all deer to hear



I'm guessing that the woman with the tats was one of the peeps at Woodstock who took the brown acid.

Gravatar"I'm guessing that the woman with the tats was one of the peeps at Woodstock who took the brown acid."

And took it twice...

GravatarSorry, the Jews can't help you with this one. We're not big into tattoos, but our prohibitions against defacing one's body only apply to us - we don't tell other folks what to do.

My suggestion: Close eyes, turn in the opposite direction, open eyes, and then run like hell.

Gravatarthank you, you old crooner

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