08 April 2009


Faith In Dog And man - ONE

I like the Dead Dog, I'll buy him a drink anywhere.

In this post (click the title of this post) Duh, he talks about almost giving up.
The dog did good, that is what dogs do

The fact is that he didn't give up.

Life is one, that one single time that you got up more than you were knocked down.

I'm up, but just by one, as we all are.

Unlike Dead Dog Walking, I never thought about giving up, but then in Africa?

Life is tough

"When things are tough, bend your back and work harder"
And of course, always drink more, except if you have to hunt for food the next day.

"Hunting for food and hunting for puss has only one difference, the usage of alcohol"

In the two "hunting" analogies, "laid low", does not have the same meaning.


Feelings mutual... We'll take turns buying rounds if we ever do meet. 

And you're right... It's what dogs do. Survive. 

I'll be raising a glass to you tonight Keesie. Cheers.

GravatarThe pic of the lion and zebra distresses me....... but only because, when the lion gets finished, you won't have that lovely black and white pelt to drap across the back of your sofa.

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