22 March 2009


Last free days of "Pissing In The Garden"

As the rainy "Wet" season come to a close in the next 14 days or so, I am slowly coming to terms that I cannot piss in the garden anymore as the rains will stop shortly.
The stench won't be washed away everyday, bummer.
I will have to go inside and use the white jobby.
Sitting down to pee is a pain.
And yes, like Vman, I sit down so as to not sprinkle my legs and feet.
On or "with" the "other hand" I am not what Vman calls "the Nub" but then here in Africa we have to have special solutions, "we Tragically Gifted Few" use this here at the Casa de Keesie, when we are not sitting down.

I discuss this design here

Very nice, Keesie! Helps with aim, too, don't it?

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