04 March 2009


Behind the curve

I see that Froth is back up, duh. She is muttering about "tree sex"

Now I have experience with  a lot of that, as I live in the bush.

But that means that her tribute to me on my sidebar, from her old French place is now linked to a deleted site
This one.

So I figured that if I show her some nice pictures that relate to Tree or Sex, she will write something very nice or very bad about me that includes a Frothing quoute that I can replace the dead link with.

In fact anybody can say what they want:
Sentences that are funny or snarky might end up on the sidebar but sentences that include words like, brilliant, strong, very funny, clever, tri-lingual, expert, beautifull, sexy, articulate, good writer etc. stand a better chance.

You can't have Heterosexual sex without wood, can you?

After the act but here we see a tree giving birth to a bird

A tree dog luring unsuspecting dog youngsters


A great sloth in a act of vigorous sex, in a tree of course.

You mean melons do not come from a tree? So sorry

Are leopards and sloths related?

Well that is vocal enough

The result of a pig and a palm tree mating

As this is a PG 13 site I will say nothing
Let the tree speak

Man's intervention



That poor elephant.

I talked about ya.

GravatarIt disturbs and alarms me that sometimes I read your posts and think, "well, of course."

And then I laugh. I obviously need help. But I likes ya all the same.

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