10 November 2008


A learning experience

One of our kitties went walkabout and now sends this piccie.
She has been holed up at Elisson's place.
Check out all those titles, the man does read widely.

Which book of Ellison's would you like to read most?
Click on piccie for a bigger version.


I'd go for the Al Franken book

GravatarIf you read all those books, your hair would start falling out, your brain cells would shrivel up, and (horrors!) you might even start writing a Web-Log.

GravatarWhere do I buy a copy of the one by SWMBO

GravatarSolution: ignore (these specific) books, focus on kittycat.

GravatarYes Rahel,
That is Miss Jasmin that owns my middle Pumpkin.
They reside in Cape Town

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