24 October 2008


Male vs Man

There is a common misconception that "Male" means "Man"
Being a male only means that you have the right genitalia.
Being a man means so much more than a dick and a pair of balls.
A man does what he has to do and that makes him more of a man.
Being a gentleman helps but is not a prerequisite for being a man.
Although it pisses the feminists off a man is the physically stronger sex, and he protects his woman and children.
If someone tells you that you smell like a male, you should go and bath, however if they say that you have a manly smell about you, you can smile proudly.
Some males act like men, or think that they act like men by being callous and rough.
Acting like that does not preclude you from being a man, but it does distract from the core.
Being a man is more of an instictive act than an calculated act.
I have been called a gentleman, but not so many times that you would notice, however I have been called a gentle man often and that makes me proud.
"A man's word" is very precious and you should protect yours as the shelf life of a damaged one is very short.
Having good manners certainly helps.
Well that is my thought of the day, what do you think?

Have to agree with you there; I've seen a lot of grown up males who were piss-poor examples of men. Abusive fathers and husbands come to mind.

I am Great Reader, KIM Jong IL...
a man's man. If you disagree with me...
I'm Kill you looong time!

Pyongyang, California

Right on the money!

I've been reading and writing about a lot of scumbags lately and without a doubt none of them are real men although they would like to think so.

To interject a woman's viewpoint... 

A male can engender a child.

A man can raise one.

There is indeed a BIG difference between "male" and "MAN".

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