29 April 2008


More racism?

At the Anti Strib in response to their post More Reverend Wright Racism which actualy links you to the Corner on National Review where Victor Davis Hanson posted.
I quote from the Anti-Strib.
"Victor Davis Hanson, a brilliant historian gives his take (the link is in the title) on Barak Obama's racist minister's speech before the NAACP.
He says in part:
In short, Wright's speech on black-right brainers, white-left brainers — replete with bogus stereotypes and crude voice imitations — was about as racist as they come and at one time antithetical to what the NAACP was once all about. Again, the Obama campaign and its appendages have set back racial relations a generation. Just ten years ago, any candidate, black or white, would have rejected Wright making a speech about genetic differences in respective black and white brains. Now it's given to civil rights organizations by the possible next President's pastor and spiritual advisor — and done to wild applause for an organization founded on the idea that we are innately the same, while being gushed over by ignorant "commentators."
As I said before, between Wright's racism and hatred, and Obama's contextualization of what he has said, we have so lowered the bar that the next racist (and he won't necessarily be black) who evokes hatred of other races and then offers a mish-mash pop theory of genetic differences will have plenty of "context" to ward off public fury."

My Comment.

100 thousand years ago some early humans left Africa and ended up in Europe where the wheather was not as kind as where they came from. For starters they had to plan ahead and save food for the winter. The art of planning ahead was born.
Their fellows back in Africa were living of the land all year round.
Come live here for 6 months or more and prove me wrong.

"Seriously, if a white person had suggested that black and white brains were different that person would be (rightly) crucified in the media."

I am suggesting that comparing a Chemical Engineering major to a Basket Weaving/Feminist Issues major would not be considered racist, therefore VDH is wrong, The Reverend Wright is correct, but entirely Wrongh.
And now I make that faith based faith jump while blindfolded into the dark room.
(IE. No statistical or math based fact at all)
The same people (no racist comparisons) that grew up in completely different environments learn to think differently.
That (the lack of forward vision) is why socialism is looked at with favor.

I do not know how to emphasize the QOUTE, nor do I know how speeellllchek.
Off course back at the range of KK i acn od tatht


"The same people (no racist comparisons) that grew up in completely different environments learn to think differently."
Yep, that's why humans can adapt to different environments, the ones that don't learn to think differently die."
I do not know how to emphasize the QOUTE, nor do I know how speeellllchek.
Off course back at the range of KK i acn od tatht"
Kees, are you posting in Afrikaans? LOL
BobG Homepage 04.30.08 - 7:48 pm #

Well said.
hammer Homepage 04.30.08 - 12:50 am #

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