17 July 2007


R&R redux


General map of Zambia

Our route from Solwezi round the tip of the DRC to Mpulungu on Lake Tanganyika.

It is a round trip of about 2800 km.

The road was good except for a section of 80 km of with bad potholes.

The piccie above is the bushtrack to Kapisha Hot Springs which was in good condition except for one or two wash-aways. The total dirt section is about 80 km.

The young ladies enjoying an opticaly foreshortened hot swim.

The Cat's Mother cooking.




Absolutely gorgeous...and the water looks great, too!

Mrs. Who Homepage 07.19.07 - 5:45 am #
Beautiful country and looks like you had a most enjoyable trip.

GUYK Homepage 07.18.07 - 3:14 pm #
Narly roads! Any good twisties Kees?Shrek loves twisties...

RobC Homepage 07.17.07 - 6:15 pm #


That water looks so relaxing.

Chickie Homepage 07.17.07 - 3:51 pm #


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