02 July 2007


R & R

We have just started and the veneer of civilization is showing cracks allready

I love it when the veneer of civilization cracks. It's such a satisfying sound.
Libby Homepage 07.08.07 - 5:42 am #

It seriously scares me for the safety of Africa for a blog meet to be held over there..............
Maeve Homepage 07.06.07 - 4:21 pm #

Cool beans. Happy R&R! I used to be able to do the pencil trick with my boobs. Now, just one works. Enjoy!
Kim Homepage 07.04.07 - 5:53 pm #

.. just you wait until WE come to visit.... you wanna talk about the veneer of civilization being cracked, brother, just you wait.... .... a blogmeet in Africa is on the planning boards......
Eric Homepage 07.04.07 - 5:50 am #
And in a few days, after a suntan and some more loss of "the veneer of civilization", the pictures of Kees will look like this.
BobG Homepage 07.03.07 - 5:32 pm #
You guys look like so much fun...we need to have a blogmeet over there...or is it down there, ah hell, I'm geographically challenged.
Chickie Homepage 07.03.07 - 12:53 pm #

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