11 June 2007


The Democratic Reblublic Of The Congo

I am visiting a new contract for my company in the DRC, a new mine for an American company.
Contract value about 60 million USD, that is, our part of the works.
Now then Vman, you want, no you crave, to be cut into small pieces, please call, I'se can supply.
Not only that, here in the blood diamond country we can meet every crazy, craven, crooked demand, we only smile, and wink.
And all of the above at very reasonable prices.

I travelled from 08:00 to 17:500 and after two taxis and two aeroplanes I arrived safely and covered 550 km about 350 miles in 12 hours.


Don't know if you celebrate Father's Day (thank you Hallmark Cards) but if you do: Happy Father's Day.
LeeAnn 06.18.07 - 1:08 am #

Hiya Keesie! I'm back. I notice she's "front"!
Kim Homepage 06.16.07 - 4:22 am #
Where's the picture of big tited African women?
Or has ya cleaned up yer act.
DaD Homepage 06.12.07 - 4:48 am #

DaD, I don't know how you do it. This is Maria, they all have good christian names here, one of those that I have lined up to cut visitors into small pieces. Real or imagined.
Now, I had Vman in mind. But you will do.
I, off course only know Maria in the not biblical way, IE. I met her in the Shoprite Shopping Mall.
Any inferences to any other way, will be met with violence, as I am stressed with 17 paternity challenges, already, I will not listen to you.

"tited", please go and look at http://www.daxmontana.net/?p=1685 LOL

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