14 July 2006



Lisa links to a place where young gentleman can hang their stetsons.
I found the crown space much too limited, I have a big head.

On the site of Tall cool lady I find the picture below.

Before Rob died there would have been a hundreds of bloggers feeding him the link.
We dont have a resident cat hater anymore.

Fred wrote somewhere: "a man tosses a cat into the wood chipper and thinks, it is good for the Nation" or words to that effect.

I see this new blogger rejoycing and Lisa's place.
"Thank you for my first link. Yee Haw!
Becky | Homepage | 07.13.06 - 8:28 pm | #"

I remember being blogrolled by Rob.
I remember being blogrolled by Vman.
I remember being blogrolled by Guyk.
I remember being blogrolled by Maeve.
I remember being blogrolled by Lisa.
I remember being blogrolled by Bobg.
I remember being blogrolled by Blob.
I remember being blogrolled by Erica.
I remember being blogrolled by Elisson.
I remember being blogrolled by Ed.
I remember being blogrolling myself at Pumkin 1
I remember being blogrolled by Libby.
I remember being blogrolled by Marcus.
I remember being blogrolled by Misty.
I remember being blogrolled by Chablis.
I remember being blogrolled by Eric.
I remember being blogrolled by Cajun.
I remember being blogrolled by Tall Lady.

That was Yesterday.

The joy I felt as a blogger.

Tallcooldrinkofwater I hope you feel the joy and you are blogrolled from tonight.
Where have I been? Gonna have to add you to the roll tonight. ;)
Thank's Key I have read you from the Rob days, wilco.
Hope I did not make your face tooo narrow,
Great blog! I love your pics :) Cheers from Canada :)
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