29 April 2006
Swallowing is Knothing - looks is more
An email I received:
Dear KeesKennis,
As the President of the Most Beautiful Crane Association and as voted Mrz Crane Ngorongoro 2006, I have to point out that talking about a blue crane making the headlines, will, from a bird’s view not gain you any credits.
This is my Mate.
We do not, as your stupid photo’s reflect, have our noses to the ground to get the best breakfast, we can look as far as 7 meters ahead (that’s 22 feet for the likes of Son, Smith & Guyk)
(They cannot focus at all – ed)
Oh Yes We Can.
Despite the fact that you paid US Dollars @ 1 : 1113597 for the $%£”&*() grasshopper (OUR CURRENCY) to see us, you do not rule our lives.
(That is correct, despite the ridicules exchange we only saw them once - ed)
At the very least you can link us to a DIVA.
"Don’t worry we have done it already (Thanks-SUPER CRANE)"
Even after the 50,000,000 "special fee" that you paid me, did you think that we would consider, Son, Smith & Guyk as diva's?
Thank you, again for a whole 15 lbs of the good stuff (They actually charged only 4 kg at the bait shop- ed).
We do not understand this: however, we try our best.
1) Get the wise guy that wants to be the best about writing about our droppings, to reflect the desire to visit you. Please do not get into name-calling.
2) Get the other "man" that reflects his desire not to be chopped down by somebody cutting the grass on our many roads to come and visit.
3) Get Guyk to come visit for the fishing.
Please note that WE (The Cranes) did not ask for the above picture to be posted.
We do not know whether: this is a gratuious grab for grasshoppers or not; however, we do believe that an Aasvoël (Vulture) only reflects some of the thoughts of those mentioned. (Sure-ed).
Crested Crane
(Or what you will-ed)
KeesKennis typing. ( I do not let a bird speak for me)
Thank you to Velociman.
Thank you to Guyk.
Thank You to Acidman.
Thank You to everyone that has visited this site.
And a Special Thank You to everybody that has left a comment.
WE the SUPER CRANES and even the blue cranes believe that Keesie (Right's Protected-Velociman) is almost certainly a man with his head underwater.
And WE the SUPER CRANES and even the blue cranes believe that Wise Ass (Right's Protected-Acidman) is almost certainly a man with his head underwater.
And further WE the SUPER CRANES and even the blue cranes believe that keeskennis (Right's Protected-Guyk) is almost certainly a man with his head underwater.
Prove us wrong.