19 April 2008


Don't shoot the messenger

From Brog d'Erisson in the comments at this post by Elic.

"You'rr look gleat in a corander. I can imagine it would be especiarry smashing if you weal a kirt with it. I think you might rook quite fielce."

Ribby Spencel Homepage 04.18.08 - 8:30 pm #

And yes I have to aglee with Ribby (after she thleatened to destloy my stash), that he rooks lathel fielce in spite of the whimsicar smire I am sule he would rike to thleaten to smash my skurr.

Who knows anybody arive after they ignoled a Ribby suggestion?

My Motto aftel arr: Make Onry the shit you can handre.

Eintlik is dit: Maak net soveel kak soos jy kan hanteer.

Plevious histoly of this pictule.

The same shovel waved arround by Guyk can be seen below.


Photoshop: The Gentlemans Leisure Time.



Hory Clap!

Erisson Homepage 04.20.08 - 7:04 pm #


.... we don't need no stinking helmets!!.....

Eric Homepage 04.20.08 - 3:16 am #
Yep. She has my vote

GUYK Homepage 04.20.08 - 3:04 am #
I'd vote for her before any of the people that are now running.

BobG Homepage 04.20.08 - 2:52 am #

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