12 July 2008
I like clowns
Apparently Jimbo dislikes and Erica likes clowns but that is according to Mr. Jim, let us hear what Erica has to say.
A HORRIBLE ADMISSION is what Vman has to say.
I stand corrected...the New Jersey IT Karma Fairies must have fixed the hyperlink when I wasn't looking. Bastidges.
Clowns...uhm, they don't bother me so much. Killer Klowns From Outer Space...now those are some scary shits, but otherwise, I couldn't care less. I have a BIG problem with roaches. Specifically, New York-, Florida- and Texas-sized roaches, and them sumbitches that can fly. Gottdamn! Yeesh. Our world would be better off without them.
Erica Homepage 07.18.08 - 1:45 pm #
... the only clowns that are remotely funny are the ones photographed mid-air when slung upwards by an angry rodeo bull..... otherwise, clowns are just creepy....
... the only clowns that are remotely funny are the ones photographed mid-air when slung upwards by an angry rodeo bull..... otherwise, clowns are just creepy....
Eric Homepage 07.16.08 - 3:27 am #
I hate em. The troops should waste that sucker for pointing a gun at them.
I hate em. The troops should waste that sucker for pointing a gun at them.
hammer Homepage 07.15.08 - 5:30 am #
"It's women clowns that really freak me out. It seems so... wrong."Yep--I've seen Nancy Pelosi, and I agree...
"It's women clowns that really freak me out. It seems so... wrong."Yep--I've seen Nancy Pelosi, and I agree...
BobG Homepage 07.14.08 - 7:14 pm #
Yep, I hate the sumbitches.http://www.parkwayreststop.com/a...om/archives/ 179
Yep, I hate the sumbitches.http://www.parkwayreststop.com/a...om/archives/ 179
Jim - PRS Homepage 07.14.08 - 3:32 am #
Clowns are an abomination. I cross my fingers at clowns. Shit, it's like the friggin' porcelain doll that sat on my m-i-l's spare bedroom bed.Hi Daughter in Law! Welcome!They are just all wrong.
Clowns are an abomination. I cross my fingers at clowns. Shit, it's like the friggin' porcelain doll that sat on my m-i-l's spare bedroom bed.Hi Daughter in Law! Welcome!They are just all wrong.
Kim Homepage 07.14.08 - 1:39 am #
Most of the clowns in the USA are in congress..and they ain't funny worth a damn.
Most of the clowns in the USA are in congress..and they ain't funny worth a damn.
I was a great clown. Like Pennywise. I specialized in terrorizing small children and women with large breasts.