28 April 2008


Nude, fucking, swimming, sex and fat big tits

Jeebus, once you start down this road, you can satisfy all the perverts at once, as well: screw, asshole, google, shit, suck, gespuis en kak op jou eie stoep.

And this concludes the beer portion of Boobies and Beer Monday, if that slacker did not phone in and said he was sick/drunk, he will have better than this.


I think youv'e covered all the bases Keesie.

Maeve Homepage 04.30.08 - 7:08 am #

I don't know about necessarily better, but it's close.

Ralphd00d Homepage 04.28.08 - 11:01 pm #

At least we know they won't drown.

hammer Homepage 04.28.08 - 9:29 pm #

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